Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So little time!

Great rehearsal yesterday! I had a grad school interview and food poisoning, but somehow that kicked me into high gear when we got started with less time to get things done. Our photographer was with us, too! With the semester winding down to a few weeks before I graduate, and before everything is due and I need to know what I'm doing after graduation, I'm feeling a time crunch! But I'm glad the piece continues to develop well, and I'm ever enjoying the process. That's what it's all about, after all!

Yesterday's changes include CM improvising "reading" the environment, and working on remembering parts of a script to keep with her for performances in other spaces. CT now follows and measures CM, and we'll refine that further tomorrow. She begins close to L, but gradually move closer to CM. L begins in a single location, but she narrows the scope of her photos as the piece moves along, by physically changing the distance between herself and CM.

I need to knit this in with what we've got from when CM and CT meet- I want to see if they should go together, or how they can make sense together. Also, what L's role is in the remainder of the earlier versions of the piece. I feel like the new material plus the passing-improv would fit well together. I'd regret losing the contact section, but I'm afraid it fits less in the piece. I'll have to look at these before tomorrow to decide if they should all go in, or if it's best to narrow the scope as JMS encouraged.

Next Friday is our show for the symposium! I'll need to check out the space and consider what kinds of lighting options we may have. I need to pull costumes from the shop; still thinking of colored sundresses for the two dancers and more muted shades for the photographer. Get music rights for whatever music I find (asap!) I liked the sound of the camera going in rehearsal yesterday... for music I'm feeling something acoustic with a soft vocal emphasis to create a sort of unobtrusive curious environment.

I think I'm at a point where I can speak about the piece in the presentation on Friday. As long as they accept that it has become about my personal process of learning to relate to and experience emotions, getting away from the quantifying that I originally set out to do... that'll be good.

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I'm glad to have constructive feedback to benefit my project.