For a long time, I've been building confidence in the parallels between dance, life, and counseling/psychology. Here are some things that I think they have in common, which I've learned more through dance than through anything else... (in no particular order)
I used to be afraid to be. I still am sometimes, but I'm getting better at claiming my right and necessity to be.
Be you.
In being, I have to be genuine, myself.
Be present and aware.
Dance teaches us to actively take moments as they come, to experience what is happening now, and also to be able to relate it to what came before and to begin to consider what comes after. To appreciate dance, we need awareness of time, relationships, space, motion, emotions...
Be curious.
Childlike interest in the world leads us to be engaged and to ask questions. Don't take things at face value- or do sometimes. Curiosity is like contemplative interest that leads to action.
Be engaged.
Touch things, don't let the world pass you by. Get in there and do.
Ask questions, and live them.
Don't take the easy-out, consider and re-consider until you get to the depth of the thing. The meanings can be made personal by the process of questioning.
Be in process.
You may never arrive at the answer. Live that process and take it as it comes, because that experience is where the meaning derives from anyway.
Make shit, don't be precious.
Life is where the mess happens. Sometimes the mistakes are where realizations are made- plenty of inventions happen that way.
Make choices.
To paraphrase Viktor Frankl, in the spaces of life (or counseling or dance) we make choices, and these choices bring us to growth and freedom. We should know our options, and deliberately choose between them to suit our purposes.
Know the rules... and be able to break them.
Be aware of the guidelines, and choose when they work and when they might not. Some rules don't work all the time or for all people.
Take risks.
Don't stay in the safe zone- "everything we want is just outside our comfort zone." If we had it, we wouldn't be in want of it. Risk makes it real.
See connections, note patterns.
In dance, there are opportunities to connect ideas and note broader ideas composed of details. I think this is a skill in life in general- it is probably an important component of what we consider intelligence to be.
It doesn't need to be what you thought it was or should be. It will be what it is, let it be that and find the best in that.
Think differently, less, associatively.
When we stop thinking routine, we stop making routine. Associative thinking frees us from cognitive constriction and taps into creativity where we can be ourselves.
Trust- yourself and others.
They have important ideas, as do you. Don't be afraid to test yourself or to rely on them- physically and creatively. I am still growing in this area.
Be what you're about.
In art, form and function serve each other- it is a kind of all-out genuineness that refers to and strengthens itself by its unity. A person can do this too, as living itself can be an art.
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