Friday, March 25, 2011

Notes from the Symposium

All that excitement, and it turned out to be so simple. I set up my board, hooked up my iPod, let the dancers dress and warm up, and off we went! A few people looked at the photo board while I set up but they didn't stay to ask questions- we were all distracted as the announcement for best paper and the performances approached. Someone announced the work for me, and they performed well (the camera flash didn't work, but nobody knew to miss it, and the lighting wouldn't have shown it off anyway, as there was none).

After asking for feedback, I'm thinking I need to introduce Camille before Chelsea, and change her position so that the audience relates more to her than to Chels. I got feedback that it appears that Camille wants to join Chels in the "chaotic" part, then she wants Chels to join her-- I want to rethink how we enact their meeting to clarify this movement together. It is always about Camille joining Chels. I may decide to structure that transition further, so that it is no longer purely improvised as the first part draws into the second. Neta also suggests that I put Lydia in Chels' face between the dancers taking some photos. That makes me think of a possible competition between Lydia and Camille to be closer to Chels in this part I'm considering rethinking. I also want to find an external measure for timing the improvised part. I might be able to find some kind of sound score still, which would also solve the problem of the suddenness of the music beginning the second part.

Good thoughts! Now, off to find that sound score and to imagine the definition of their competition and meeting as the first part works into the second.

ps- today I got accepted to UCF's Master of Arts in Counselor Education Mental Health Track! still waiting to hear from my top school, but this is a great option! I get to be a counselor!!

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I'm glad to have constructive feedback to benefit my project.